Call us: (507) 226-8330
July 2, 2018
In your vehicle’s precisely tuned engine, timing is everything—the exact mixture of air and fuel is critical. Over time, carbon deposits back onto several areas in this system including:
Piston crowns
Combustion chambers
Injector nozzles
Intake and exhaust valves
Throttle body
Air induction system
Because of these deposits, you may experience drivability problems, like knocking, hesitation, rough idle, hard starting and poor gas mileage.
The BG fuel and air induction service removes deposits that will ensure proper air and fuel flow as required for optimum performance of your vehicle. You will notice better acceleration and gas mileage while decreasing emissions.
Having this quality service performed on your vehicle every 15,000 miles will ensure better performance as well as give you more peace of mind with a lifetime warranty of the system. The cost for this service is $189.