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June 23, 2018
Do you drive a gasoline direct injected (GDI) engine in Rochester, MN? Many newer vehicles have this type of engine that was built for superior performance initially. But because of the way the GDI engine was designed, carbon buildup has become a significant factor of decreased performance over time—some motorists in Rochester, MN and across the nation noticing a drop within the first three thousand miles of ownership.
How does your car, truck or SUV perform in Rochester, MN? It may get you to work at the Mayo Clinic or the many other great businesses not affiliated with Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN but how is it performing? Have you noticed a difference over time? Many drivers do not since the buildup causes a gradual decrease in power and efficiency.
In order to restore power and keep your vehicle running at it’s best in Rochester, MN, maintenance is a must. The BG GDI Fuel/Air induction service process includes steps that must happen in the right place, at the right time. Using specialized equipment, our mechanics at Babcock Auto Care remove injector and combustion chamber deposits through the fuel rail and dissolves deposits in hard to reach places in the intake.
If the BG GDI Fuel/Air inductions service is performed on your vehicle every 15,000 miles, you can expect to experience:
At Babcock Auto Care, our mechanics and our entire business team have seen the difference, first-hand, how this service can benefit your car, truck or SUV. And the cost of this maintenance service at around $290 far beats the cost of potential auto repair due to problems caused by the buildup created every time you drive your vehicle.