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November 3, 2016
As we roll on into winter, despite the milder than normal fall, it’s time to start thinking about the components of our vehicles that we depend on and sometimes expect to work without maintenance … the battery. When is the last time yours was replaced? How do the connections and cables look? Are there areas of corrosion that need to be cleaned? These are questions you must ask yourself before the Minnesota winter hits Rochester!
Car batteries serve a major purpose. And, regardless of cold or heat, we demand much of them. We just expect that they will serve us well, no matter the climate and sometimes we don’t even rejoice each time we turn our key over and our car, truck or suvs come to life. But I can assure you, there will be the opposite of joy the moment you try to turn your car on only to be left with the silence of your engine! Car batteries don’t last forever!
In fact, the condition of your charging system will be altered depending on where you live, how often you drive and other factors. Most of the time, it will not give you any sign of trouble either. So if you forget about this important component of your vehicle, you may get stranded or have an unplanned late start to wherever you are going for the day.
So before we roll into winter in Rochester, MN this year, be sure to think about your battery. When is the last time yours was replaced? Battery replacement should take place on average of about every four years. If yours is reaching this milestone, have it tested to see how it’s fairing. Babcock Auto Care can take care of this for you in our Express Lane. Our auto technicians will also assess your battery for corrosion and check the connections. We offer a cleaning service as well as removal and replacement.
Don’t get left in the cold … be proactive and take care of your battery so it can take care of you!
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